Random anaesthesia stuff

Welcome to this collection of funny ( and a few serious) anaesthesia stuff. Please use the drop-down menu above to visit the various pages. The above menu is the easiest way to visit the pages, but if you are struggling to use it, you can click on the links below. Enjoy!

Circle breathing system mystery

Using drones to give anesthesia staff coffee breaks

Drug removal mystery

Red fish blue fish illusion

Difference between surgeons, physicians and anaesthetists

Endotracheal tube caught sleeping at work

Cheapest way to assess day surgery patients

Which drug is darker? (illusion)

If anaesthetists conducted executions

Obstetrician distress levels

Scary door of finance managers office

Cat gets an epidural

Laughing gas (huge collection of jokes)

“WHERE” checklist (something you should do before the WHO check list)

Find the defibrillator! ( a unique riddle for you to solve)

Anesthesia gas flow meter illusion

Easiest intubation in the world

Labour pain relief method (that men will hate)

Airway illusions

Crazy but true inventions

Unique anaesthesia vaporisers

Quincke point pencil

Walking epidurals

Really short history of laughing gas & ether

Dihydrogen monoxide levels in anaesthesia staff (funny research)

Tracheal intubation in 1880 ( fascinating case reports of intubation over 120 years ago !)

Flight 401: The Black Box Story (An aviation disaster that has relevance to medical safety)

“Filter coffee” the anaesthesia way

Poor quality Swiss Cheese

When your health service increases the retirement age